Tuesday, December 11, 2012

End of Semester Rush

It’s the end of the semester, and you’re just about ready to start pulling your hair out. There are finals and papers and books to read and you can’t sleep at night because you’re so worried and you have no social life because you lock yourself away in your room trying to study and… phew! Well, there’s a lot to be done still, even with just a few days left. Just remember! – tutoring is still available for last minute checks! 

Easy reading

"Easy reading is damn hard writing."
-Nathaniel Hawthorne

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Polytechnic NaNoWriMo Poems

Oh writer, how come
you think we proofread your work?
Learn punctuation.

Your assignment is
due tomorrow? Want an ‘A’?
I am not a god.

I don’t edit things,
my name isn’t spellcheck. So,
let’s work together.

Two sentences. No,
commas don’t go in between.
That’s a comma splice.

Oh my god, Amy,
you are killing me slowly;
Haikus are poison.
-Amy, from Cody’s perspective

“Corrections. Corrections, that’s all I need.”
Let me look over your paper and see…
Hint, questions, do you see it?
A missing article, a period, I see it!
You’re growing! I helped, see what can happen when we work as a team!

Pencil and paper meet,
The rest is simply history.

A computer can type it,
A tape recorder can replay it.
A memory can promise to keep it,
But only pencil and pen,
Writer and idea can consume it.

The imagination and creativity all play a
Role in the world we invent behind the
Eyes everyone sees, when they fall back
And your heart dreams.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Writing in 100 Years

The mechanization of the imagination –
Programmed creativity.
So reliant on the system, the machine, the robotic (superior, of course) life.
Humanity can no longer think a thought
Or write a word
Without first asking:  “Is this popular on Twitter?”
--Alyssa, West writing tutor

Wise Words

Thursday, November 29, 2012

writing in 100 years

After the apocalypse
which I rather look forward to
I will scratch words onto concrete
and into trunks of tiny saplings trembling toward the sun,
doing writing, life, and writing life

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wondering Robots

“Imagine,” a woman says.
“People used to have to write by hand
Their own thoughts
Before there were mind-scanning robots.”
The little girl stares,
“But how?” she wonders.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Writing Breakdown: A Couplet

Excuse me, friend, but where is your introduction?
It needs to be there for your reader’s consumption.
Don’t forget your thesis and logical progression.
You want to make a good first impression.
Did you proofread this draft at any point on your own?
Try reading it out loud in the comfort of your home.
Last but not least, try not to forget
That with a little effort and help, an A you will surely get!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Ode to McCarthy

A class I had tonight to teach,
About one who tends to the peach
Oh, Cormac McCarthy
You’ve stolen my heart, see,
In The Orchard you promised to Keep
--Nicole, West writing tutor